Friday 15 May 2020

Words that never make it into print.

SSometimes the stories we write within the novel don't make it into print, this is one part of many that were sent to the trash can when editing Toby Farrier. I had a lot of fun with both of these characters and hope to be able to draw on them again one day.

Helen Sabo waited as William Wyatt opened the door of the MG for her. It had been a long while since someone had treated her as a lady. He’d been respectful, and listened to what she said. When his hand fell into the middle of her back to guide her to their table it felt warm, and strong, yet his touch was gentle. Yes, she thought, I could get used to this.
The low seats and the high heels of her borrowed shoes conspired with her dress to make it difficult to move out of the MG’s seat. William held his hand out to help. She took it, and felt him hold her weight as she tried her best to be graceful. She saw the slats at eyelevel of the narrow venetian blind by the front door open. It was only slight, but she knew they had an audience. The light distracted her and as she stood, her foot slipped on the kerbing and she fell forward.
Willy caught her. ‘Hey, did you hurt yourself? Is your leg okay?’
It had been a warm night, but the ride home in the open car had chilled her a little. His arms were warm and she rested against him and caught her breath.
‘I’m fine, just not used to being swept off my feet by a handsome man in an English sports car, I guess.’ Did she say that, God she was making a fool of herself and why, she should be mature enough to have dinner with a friend?
‘I haven’t worn heels for a long time. I had better go in, we have an audience.’
‘An audience?’ Willy felt his heart race, he hadn’t sensed this since he was a kid. The thought of being caught out of character was exciting, he liked the adrenalin rush. ‘Who and how?’
‘When I slipped, I saw the blind open and I think my mate, Silvia, is busting to find out how we went.’
‘Is she nosey?’
‘Not nosey, concerned, and she will want to know every detail from tonight, right down to what colour the napkins were.’
‘Details, all of them?’ His mind was racing he wanted to stay out here and talk for longer, but knew she had to go.
‘Yep, Silv does like details.’ She felt his arms around her still and leant back against them. This bloke works out a bit, she thought, his stomach felt hard and flat.
She smiled, ‘It won’t be too hard to tell her what a great night we’ve shared. I had a great time, thank you.’
She wanted to tell him more, but he moved her to one side, she was now looking up at him. He bent forward and kissed her. She felt startled for a second and pulled away.
‘For Silvia.’ He said.
‘For Silvia.’
He knew she agreed, as he felt her hand in his hair pulling him down to her lips. A car went past and tooted its horn, they didn’t care. They broke their clinch, and looked at each other.
‘For Silvia.’ He said, raising an imaginary glass.
‘To Silvia, my best friend.’ She toasted too. ‘Thanks Will, I’d better go now.’
‘I’ll walk you to the door then.’
She put a hand on his chest and kissed his cheek. ‘No, look you’ve been sweet enough. I had a great time tonight thank you.’
‘Me too, I haven’t been out for years, not on a date anyway.’
Helen turned and sauntered toward the front door. He waited leaning against the front fender of the car. He watched every slow step and with each movement his grin grew. Before Helen had her key in the front door, it opened and he saw an arm drag her inside.
The door closed and heard hushed voices, their excitement filled the house. He walked around the back of the car, opened the door and slid into the driver’s seat. He turned the radio on, and easy listening music carried him home.

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