Saturday, 14 July 2012

Zombies now getting ready to print

The Zombie Racers of Raggletown

This story has been reviewed by my coleagues and I have included some of their suggestions in my last draft. I hope to put it and more of these stories into a small book due for release with Kundela.



  1. This is a great children's story. I don;t think you need to do too much to it except knock off some of the commas.

    I can see you are a man of many literary talents:-)

  2. I have just had a reveiw of this story by Kyamah and Montana, they are the ones who wanted me to write them a horror story.

    And who when asked did you like it.

    Replied 'It was ok, yeah we liked it.'

    So Job done I guess.

  3. Ok I have had another attempt at polishing it up a bit. I think it reads better.

  4. I have made some changes to the text, and as a result of getting it ready to publish, have removed the story.

    Check the others out before I get to them too.
