Friday, 5 October 2012

Time for a kick in the pants

Okay so I haven't put anything on the blog for a few days, nor have I made an attempt to write anything more than an occasional e-mail. I am a chronic procrastination sufferer and this disease is one of laziness. Not something that has been clinically diagnosed, it's more a journey of self discovery and awareness.

I once read if you can't find inspiration to continue writing your work, write about the lack of original thought until you begin to get back into the habit. Today this is what I'm doing, giving myself a well intentioned kick in the pants.

Wordsmiths of Melton didn't meet last Wednesday as it was our first week of the month and the room we use at the library is occuppied, not a key was touched. At our last meeting the group were discussing their entries in the Melton Story Competition and although we have all agreed to submit something I am finding the story hard to develop, several themes rattle around in a skull berefit of original ideas and the echo of defeat resounds in my mind.

Well that's enough self pity from me for now, I feel the kicking complete and and idea developing.

Thanks for the visit, but I have to get on with my writing now.



Monday, 1 October 2012

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Wordsmiths of Melton

Interesting day today talking about copyright and subplots within a longer work. It seems that I had incorporated these into Kundela without really planning it so I'm happy with that aspect of the novel.

What came out of our discussions is the need to plan a pitch to a prospective publisher and have it ready to pitch to the group next month, so that will be interesting.

Thanks for dropping by.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Wordsmiths of Melton Thank Merlene Fawdrey

Had a great day again today with a few members unable to attend but there was unanimous agreement that our Anthology was a success. Frank Ince went on to say that without the dedication and hard work by Merlene Fawdrey there may not have been a book and we agreed that much is owed to this wonderfully creative lady.

With work commitments restricting the a few, today we were a small but productive group.

Thanks to all for your critiques, it sharpens my pen.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Youth Suicide ABC Four Corners 10th Sept 2012

Last night we left the television fixed on the ABC after Australian Story, something we don't often do as I am a compulsive channel surfer. The programme dealt tastefully with Youth Suicide and the dramatic growth in the number of these deaths this century. To my mind four main points were shown, sure there were more stories and reasons than a meagre four dot points, but this is what I took from it.

  1. Suicides result from a feeling of low self worth brought on by a raft of different causes.
  2. Most parents and siblings are unaware of the exact nature of the problems the victim is trying to deal with.
  3. Everyone is affected, no-one is spared from the grief, or the feeling of helplessness after the person has died.
  4. Your friends can't help you once your dead. There is no Internet or mobile contact after death. It is final.
Interesting as an adjunct to this documentary was a report on the news that the government has allocated a paltry sum to help address the issue. Come on you politicians, the amount quoted is a drop in the bucket to what I'm sure your constituents would deem adequate.

So what can we do, those of us who have made the passage into adulthood?

  • Try to engage more.
  • Raise awareness.
  • Set a better example.
  • Display more tolerance in our everyday lives.
  • Remove the pressure on our children to excel.
  • Man hugs, laugh but it may be worth a try.
  • An I love you, from a father to a son, or daughter isn't hard to say or do, so do it more often.
  • Become a friend on your child's facebook and twitter accounts. Participate in their conversation but don't spy or preach.
We can't blame social media for being an instrument of evil, for as much as it can be a tool for bullies, there are as many or more messages of love and friendship on the Internet. As parents we have to deal with the world our children are living in, and we need to adapt to their ways.

Terry L Probert

Monday, 10 September 2012

Melton Artbeat Festival

I got a little cheeky at the festival yesterday. I attended with the Wordsmiths of Melton and we had a great day with nearly every member dropping in to help out promoting our groups. Councillor Sophie Ramsay called past and during our photo opportunity I explained that I intended to launch the most anticipated novel of this century at the Melton Library in December. I didn't think to tell the throng that it was me who anticipated it most.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Kundela Update Time

Much to report about the progress on Kundela I spent last Monday with Merlene Fawdrey developing a publishing and marketing plan for a series of book launches in December this year. Once we decided on a plan the work has started and I am well on the way to completing about four things on my to do list of about fifty items.

Kundela will be published by Probert Consulting in both paper back and E-book. You should find it appearing during the first week of December making it a great present at Christmas.

For $24.95 This is $5.00 of the rec retail, I can forward you a personally signed pre-publication copy, all you need to do is e-mail your requirements to remembering to include your phone contact details and a posting address.