Sunday, 27 August 2017

A Marriage


The Pain You Bear, Is the Pain We Share

It’s that pleasure and pain time again
Her head will for days now thump
She lifts her hand to feel blood pump
It’s been with her a long long time
She smiles and says
“Long enough to call it mine”

I look at her and she at me
Pain was writ where her smile should be
She’s tried a vast array of pills
Pounded pavement round the doctors
And paid their bills
It’s not a migraine or so they say
Take this pill and it’ll go away

Another year and the pain’s still there
And silver streaks highlight her hair.
Her smile is still where it belongs
And she takes my hand and makes me strong
I find comfort in what she can do
She smiles and gives my hand a squeeze
And we turn our faces to the breeze

While the sun begins to set upon our life
I gaze at her and see all the wonder

And the beauty of you, my wife


Friday, 18 August 2017

Autograph books tell us a lot

This is an entry my father Lionel Probert wrote in his Sister in Law's Autograph Book, I'm led to believe that it's his work, but can't be sure. What it does do is express the loneliness Aussie servicemen felt when they were away fighting. I'm just thankful he made it home and met my mother.

Take a moment to put yourself on a Pacific Island in 1942 then read these words and reflect on our own situation today.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Author's Lament (first draft)

My pride and joy from a former life has nothing to do with my yarnspinner's life today, but it reminds me of who and what I was, in the spring of yesterday


So I got a little story
And this much is what I know
Hours and hours of writing
Before it’s good enough
For the editor to go
Then back to me
And back to she
Edits by the score
Until at last it’s finished
In a package by the door.

Then off to beta readers
To tell us what they like
Or tell us what is wrong
And all the time
I wring my hands
And sing a simple song

Please oh please mister publisher
Take my letter from your pile
And please don’t
Consign it to the bin
For it took a lot of time to create
The character and plot
Just to drag you in

With my finger on the send button poised
The whole shebang has gone
To somewhere in an editor’s office
Where I hope you’ll take
Just a minute of your time
To read the cover letter
And synopsis of the plot
Because after months of writing

This is the best I’ve got